When considering the political fallout of the Great Depression, one has to wonder why the U.S. moved leftward, enacting a number of social and economic reforms. In Europe for example, the economic crisis provided an opportunity for fascist parties to win control in Germany and Italy.
One reason was there was considerable organized resistance from the working class. At Pantagraph.com, Bill Kemp, archivist/librarian for the McLean County Museum of History shares a great story today on the Unemployed Council in Bloomington, IL.
Kemp writes, "the local Unemployed Council, led by Bloomington resident C. 'Hank' Mayer, seemed everywhere, organizing street actions, petitioning local governments and trading barbs in The Pantagraph with those who did not share its Popular Front (or communist-allied) prescriptions to right the faltering economy. Members of the group also undertook actions such as illegally restoring water service for out-of-work residents who failed to pay their bills."
Such organized resistance was common and widespread. And it pressured a nervous government to act. As historian Victor Hicken noted, "This country came awfully close to changing governments."
While one has to resist the urge to draw direct parallels between the 1930's and now, I have no doubt that well organized mass resistance today might induce government officials to venture outside of their corporate-fabricated gilded cage.